2008. augusztus 25., hétfő

Váh - July 2008

The weather was shiny, the water was clear and I caught my biggest gralying of that day.

I recommend using a slim #4 rod to catch a fish like this. Adventure and fun.

He is exhausted.

48 cm. I guess he is male.

Or female? :) I will never know it.

Because I released him...

2008. augusztus 18., hétfő

Hron - Aug 2008

I guess this ground of Hron has similar features as Váh' has above Lipt. Hradok.

It was a nice grayling in Slovakia. It's rare for me to catch a grayling like this in Hron at this ground.

The water was app. 1,2 m deep where I cought this fish. I used heavy nymph which is similar to gammarus nymph but it looks like a caddis nymph.

2 fish at the same time. :)